Message from DDCVS’ Chief Officer, Neil Moulden
I’m writing to you to let you know that I will be retiring from my position as Chief Executive of Derbyshire Dales CVS in spring next year.
I have been in this post since 2004 and have worked at the CVS since 2002.
I feel I have been very fortunate to have had such a wonderful job where I have worked with a fantastic staff team, and our many members, partners and supporters in the Derbyshire Dales.
It has been a real pleasure and privilege.
However, I have recently turned sixty, and as some of you may be aware, I have had significant health problems in the last couple of years, and it now feels like the right time to stand aside and let a new Chief Officer lead the organisation into the future.
They will, I’m sure, be committed to maintaining the excellent services and support to the local voluntary sector and the communities and people of the Derbyshire Dales for which Derbyshire Dales CVS has become known.
Best wishes to you all. Neil