Foyle Foundation – update on Small Grants Scheme

The Foyle Foundation’s fund is open to charities that have an annual turnover of less than £150,000.  Priority is given to local charities still active in their communities. Those that are currently delivering services to the young, vulnerable, elderly, disadvantaged or the general community. Applicants must show how any grant will make a significant difference to their current work. They must also be able to demonstrate ongoing financial viability over the next 12 months.

Grants of between £2,000 and £10,000 are available for 12 months. The funding can be used for core costs (including salaries), projects, essential equipment, or building projects. Projects must be completed before the end of 2025.

The Foundation has indicated that competition for the funding is ‘intense’. They receive an unprecedented number of applications. Many more than can be funded.

Earlier this year, the Foyle Foundation announced that it will complete its grant giving programme in 2025. It will stop accepting new applications to the Small Grants Scheme at the end of January 2025.

Applications can be submitted at any time up to 31 January 2025.

Click here for more information.