Our Partnerships
We work in partnership with statutory bodies and other voluntary sector organisations to deliver services, identify needs and develop strategies to support local people and communities.
We have a close working relationship with Derbyshire Dales District Council. We have been involved in developing a number of projects together, including the Escape Project and the ambitious Hurst Farm Regeneration Project. We also manage a small grants programme on their behalf.
We have formed an excellent working relationship with the Locality Team from https://joinedupcarederbyshire.co.uk/derbyshire-integrated-care-board/ and with the Dales Primary Care Network and http://www.southdaleshealthcare.co.uk/ for which we are delivering Social Prescribing services.
We have formed a good working relationship with the Dales Public Health Locality Team at Derbyshire County Council, and we are currently managing the locality budget and small grants programme on their behalf in the Dales, as well as delivering social connectedness and community voice projects. We are a member of the Derbyshire Dales Place Alliance and Health and Wellbeing Board, known collectively as Dales Local Integration Group.
Our other work with statutory partners includes working with the Peak District National Park Authority, and we have worked with them on a number of projects, including most recently the continued development of the Peak District Mosaic group that aims to encourage people from ethnic minority communities to become involved in the life of the Peak District National Park.
We work closely with our colleagues at Connex Community Support on delivering a volunteering strategy for the Dales and we are a member of Derby and Derbyshire Infrastructure Alliance http://3dsupport.org.uk/